OPeNDAP Data Access Form for OMPS-NPP_NPBUVO3-L2_v2.8_2016m1103t203134_o26013_2021m0529t221013.h5
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dataset: OMPS-NPP_NPBUVO3-L2_v2.8_2016m1103t203134_o26013_2021m0529t221013.h5

    • OrbitNumber: 26013
    • ProfileID: 0
    • EquatorCrossingDate: 2016-11-03
    • EquatorCrossingLongitude: -113.8636322
    • EquatorCrossingTime: 21:00:55.578
    • RangeBeginningDateTime: 2016-11-03T20:32:39.861Z
    • RangeEndingDateTime: 2016-11-03T21:21:57.741Z
    • SAMP_TBL: 65
    • SAMP_TBL_VER: 257
    • time_coverage_start: 2016-11-03T20:32:39.861Z
    • time_coverage_end: 2016-11-03T21:21:57.741Z
    • APPName: NPBUVO3-L2
    • APPVersion: 2.7.6
    • PGEVersion: 2.7.6
    • LocalGranuleID: OMPS-NPP_NPBUVO3-L2_v2.8_2016m1103t203134_o26013_2021m0529t221013.h5
    • ArchiveSetName: OMPS-NPP LP Aerosols
    • ProductionDateTime: 2021-05-30T02:10:13.227628Z
    • date_created: 2021-05-30T02:10:13.227628Z
    • history: OZONE PEATE, 2021-05-30T02:10:13.227628Z, APPVersion 2.7.6
    • DayNightFlag: Day
    • Format: HDF5
    • acknowledgement: This dataset was generated by NASA's SNPP Ozone Science Team, with support provided by the NASA Ozone SIPS.
    • contributor_name: NASA SNPP Ozone Science Team and NASA Ozone SIPS.
    • contributor_role: Data producers.
    • VersionID: 2
    • DOI: 10.5067/B8A796JV7GGZ
    • ShortName: OMPS_NPP_NPBUVO3_L2
    • LongName: OMPS-NPP L2 NP Ozone (O3) Vertical Profile swath orbital
    • creator_email:<>
    • creator_institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    • creator_name: Natalya A Kramarova, Richard D. McPeters
    • creator_type: person
    • id: OMPS_NPP_NPBUVO3_L2
    • metadata_link:
    • keywords: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GSFC, Atmospheric Chemistry, Ozone, Suomi NPP, Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite, OMPS
    • processing_level: L2
    • publisher_email:
    • publisher_institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    • publisher_name: NASA GES DISC
    • publisher_type: group
    • publisher_url:
    • references: Bhartia, P. K., McPeters, R. D., Flynn, L. E., Taylor, S., Kramarova, N. A., Frith, S., Fisher, B., and DeLand, M.: Solar Backscatter UV (SBUV) total ozone and profile algorithm, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2533-2548, doi:10.5194/amt-6-2533-2013, 2013.
    • source: Suomi-NPP OMPS Nadir Profiler
    • summary: Retrieved Ozone Profile for the OMPS Nadir Profiler.
    • title: Suomi-NPP OMPS Ozone (O3) Nadir Profile 1-Orbit L2 Swath 50x250km
    • comment: \000
    • VersionNumber: 2.8
  • AncillaryData:
  • CalibrationData:
  • GeolocationData:
  • ScienceData:
  • TrendingData:

  • AncillaryData_CloudPressure[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Effective Cloud Pressure
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • units: atm
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • origname: CloudPressure
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/CloudPressure
    AncillaryData_ProfileO3APrioriLayer[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel= 0 ..20] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel
      • long_name: A-priori Ozone Profile
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • origname: ProfileO3APrioriLayer
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/ProfileO3APrioriLayer
    AncillaryData_ProfileO3APrioriLayer81[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel81= 0 ..80] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: A-priori Ozone Profile 81 Layers
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: ancillaryTable
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel81
      • origname: ProfileO3APrioriLayer81
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/ProfileO3APrioriLayer81
    AncillaryData_ProfileO3QBO81[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel81= 0 ..80] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: QBO Ozone Profile 81 Layers
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: ancillaryTable
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel81
      • origname: ProfileO3QBO81
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/ProfileO3QBO81
    AncillaryData_ProfileTempAPrioriLayer81[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel81= 0 ..80] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: A-priori Temperature Profile 81 Layers
      • units: Kelvin
      • coverage_content_type: ancillaryTable
      • valid_range: 150.0000000, 300.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel81
      • origname: ProfileTempAPrioriLayer81
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/ProfileTempAPrioriLayer81
    AncillaryData_SnowIceIndicator[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Snow-Ice Indicator Flag
      • units:
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: 0, 10
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • comment: see User's Guide
      • origname: SnowIceIndicator
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/SnowIceIndicator
    AncillaryData_SurfaceCategory[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Surface Category
      • units:
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: 1, 18
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • IGBP_Category_Legend: 01=Evergreen Needle Forest, 02=Evergreen Broad Forest, 03=Deciduous Needle Forest, 04=Deciduous Broad Forest, 05=Mixed Forest, 06=Closed Shrubs, 07=Open Shrubs, 08=Woody Savannas, 09=Savannas, 10=Grassland, 11=Wetlands, 12=Crops, 13=Urban, 14=Crop or Mosaic, 15=Snow or Ice, 16=Barren or Desert, 17=Water, 18=Tundra
      • flag_meanings: Evergreen_Needle_Forest Evergreen_Broad_Forest Deciduous_Needle_Forest Deciduous_Broad_Forest Mixed_Forest Closed_Shrubs Open_Shrubs Woody_Savannas Savannas Grassland Wetlands Crops Urban Crop_or_Mosaic Snow_or_Ice Barren_or_Desert Water Tundra
      • flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
      • origname: SurfaceCategory
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/SurfaceCategory
    AncillaryData_TemperatureProfile[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimUmkehr13Level= 0 ..12] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Temperature Profile in Umkehr Layers 12 Plus Layer 0
      • units: Kelvin
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 373.1499939
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimUmkehr13Level
      • origname: TemperatureProfile
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/TemperatureProfile
    AncillaryData_TerrainPressure[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Terrain Pressure
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • units: atm
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: TerrainPressure
      • fullnamepath: /AncillaryData/TerrainPressure
    GeolocationData_DayOfYear[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Day of Year
      • units: days
      • coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
      • valid_range: 1, 366
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: DayOfYear
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/DayOfYear
    GeolocationData_GroundPixelQualityFlags[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 0
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • flag_masks: 256
      • flag_meanings: Eclipse_Warning
      • long_name: Pixel Level Geolocation Data Quality Flags
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: GroundPixelQualityFlags
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/GroundPixelQualityFlags
    GeolocationData_InstrumentQualityFlags[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 0
      • long_name: Swath Level Geolocation Quality Flags
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • flag_masks: 3145728, 16, 32
      • flag_meanings: SAA_Warning Manoeuvre_Flag Attitude_Threshold_Flag
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: InstrumentQualityFlags
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/InstrumentQualityFlags
    GeolocationData_Latitude[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Latitude for Profile Ozone (292 nm)
      • units: degrees_North
      • coverage_content_type: modelResult
      • valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: Latitude
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/Latitude
    GeolocationData_Longitude[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Longitude for Profile Ozone (292 nm)
      • units: degrees_East
      • coverage_content_type: modelResult
      • valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: Longitude
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/Longitude
    GeolocationData_OrbitNumber[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Orbit Number
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
      • valid_range: 1, 2147483647
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: OrbitNumber
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/OrbitNumber
    GeolocationData_SecondsInDay[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Seconds After UTC Midnight
      • units: seconds
      • coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 86401.00000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: SecondsInDay
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/SecondsInDay
    GeolocationData_SolarZenithAngle[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Solar Zenith Angle
      • units: degrees
      • coverage_content_type: modelResult
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 90.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: SolarZenithAngle
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/SolarZenithAngle
    GeolocationData_UTC_CCSDS_A[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is String)
    • attributes
      • long_name: UTC Image Midpoint Time
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: UTC_CCSDS_A
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/UTC_CCSDS_A
    GeolocationData_Year[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • units: year
      • valid_range: 1993, 2093
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • long_name: Year on Gregorian Calendar
      • coverage_content_type: auxiliaryInformation
      • origname: Year
      • fullnamepath: /GeolocationData/Year
    ScienceData_AveragingKernel[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel20= 0 ..19] [ DimPressureLevel20= 0 ..19] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • units: DU-1
      • long_name: Averaging Kernel
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: -3.402823061e+38, 3.402823061e+38
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel20, DimPressureLevel20
      • origname: AveragingKernel
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/AveragingKernel
    ScienceData_CloudFraction[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Cloud Fraction (306 nm)
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: CloudFraction
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/CloudFraction
    ScienceData_IndexLongestProfileChannel[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • units: 1
      • long_name: Index of Longest Channel Used in the Profile Retrieval Computation
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: 1, 12
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: IndexLongestProfileChannel
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/IndexLongestProfileChannel
    ScienceData_KMatrix[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel20= 0 ..19] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • units: DU-1
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel20, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • long_name: Jacobian matrix dN/dx
      • origname: KMatrix
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/KMatrix
    ScienceData_LayerEfficiency[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimUmkehr11Level= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Total Ozone Algorithmic Efficiency Umkehr Layers 0 to 9 and Layers 10 Plus
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 10.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimUmkehr11Level
      • origname: LayerEfficiency
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/LayerEfficiency
    ScienceData_NValue[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueWavelength= 0 ..11] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Measured N-Values from the Monochromator
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 600.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueWavelength
      • origname: NValue
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValue
    ScienceData_NValue380[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Measured N-Values from 380nm
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 600.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: NValue380
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValue380
    ScienceData_NValueAdjustmentFactors[ DimWavelength= 0 ..12] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: N-Value Adjustment Factors (soft calibration)
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: -5.000000000, 5.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimWavelength
      • origname: NValueAdjustmentFactors
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValueAdjustmentFactors
    ScienceData_NValueResidualsFinal[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Final N-Value Residuals
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • origname: NValueResidualsFinal
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValueResidualsFinal
    ScienceData_NValueResidualsInitial[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Initial N-Value Residuals
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • origname: NValueResidualsInitial
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValueResidualsInitial
    ScienceData_NValueResidualsaPriori[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: a Priori Profile N-Value Residuals
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • origname: NValueResidualsaPriori
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValueResidualsaPriori
    ScienceData_NValueSingleScattering[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Computed Single-scattering N-Values
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 600.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • origname: NValueSingleScattering
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NValueSingleScattering
    ScienceData_NumberOfIterations[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • units: 1
      • long_name: Number of Iterations for Solution Convergence
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: 0, 10
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: NumberOfIterations
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/NumberOfIterations
    ScienceData_O3BelowCloud[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Ozone Below Fractional Cloud
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: O3BelowCloud
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/O3BelowCloud
    ScienceData_O3MixingRatio[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimMixingRatioPressureLevel= 0 ..14] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Ozone Mixing Ratio
      • units: ppmv
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimMixingRatioPressureLevel
      • origname: O3MixingRatio
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/O3MixingRatio
    ScienceData_O3MixingRatio80[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel80= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Ozone Mixing Ratio 80 Layers
      • units: ppmv
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel80
      • origname: O3MixingRatio80
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/O3MixingRatio80
    ScienceData_O3MixingRatioError[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimMixingRatioPressureLevel= 0 ..14] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Estimated Errors in Ozone Mixing Ratio
      • units: %
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimMixingRatioPressureLevel
      • origname: O3MixingRatioError
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/O3MixingRatioError
    ScienceData_ProfileO3ErrorFlag[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Profile Ozone Error Flag
      • units:
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0, 100
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: ProfileO3ErrorFlag
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileO3ErrorFlag
    ScienceData_ProfileO3FirstGuess[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel= 0 ..20] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Ozone Profile First Guess
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel
      • origname: ProfileO3FirstGuess
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileO3FirstGuess
    ScienceData_ProfileO3FirstGuess81[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel81= 0 ..80] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Ozone Profile First Guess 81 Layers
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel81
      • origname: ProfileO3FirstGuess81
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileO3FirstGuess81
    ScienceData_ProfileO3Retrieved[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel= 0 ..20] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Retrieved Ozone Profile
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel
      • origname: ProfileO3Retrieved
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileO3Retrieved
    ScienceData_ProfileO3Retrieved81[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel81= 0 ..80] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Retrieved Ozone Profile 81 Layers
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel81
      • origname: ProfileO3Retrieved81
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileO3Retrieved81
    ScienceData_ProfileO3RetrievedError[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimPressureLevel= 0 ..20] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Estimated Error of Retrieved O3 Profile (Top Layer Excluded)
      • units: %
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimPressureLevel
      • origname: ProfileO3RetrievedError
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileO3RetrievedError
    ScienceData_ProfileTotalO3[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Profile Total Ozone
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 50.00000000, 700.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: ProfileTotalO3
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileTotalO3
    ScienceData_ProfileTotalO3Error[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Estimated Error of Profile Total Ozone
      • units: %
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: ProfileTotalO3Error
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ProfileTotalO3Error
    ScienceData_QualityFitParameter[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Quality of Fit Parameter (Average Final Residual)
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 20.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: QualityFitParameter
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/QualityFitParameter
    ScienceData_Reflectivity[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Reflectivity
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: -0.1500000060, 1.149999976
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: Reflectivity
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/Reflectivity
    ScienceData_Reflectivity380[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Reflectivity at 380 nm
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: Reflectivity380
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/Reflectivity380
    ScienceData_ReflectivityCorrection[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Reflectivity Correction
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: -0.5000000000, 0.5000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: ReflectivityCorrection
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ReflectivityCorrection
    ScienceData_Residual[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength= 0 ..7] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: NValue Residuals
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -32.00000000, 32.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
      • origname: Residual
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/Residual
    ScienceData_Residual380[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Photometer Residual (CCR) at 331 nm
      • units: 1
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: Residual380
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/Residual380
    ScienceData_ResidualStep1[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength= 0 ..7] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: NValue Residuals at Step 1
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -32.00000000, 32.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
      • origname: ResidualStep1
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ResidualStep1
    ScienceData_ResidualStep2[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength= 0 ..7] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: NValue Residuals at Step 2
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -32.00000000, 32.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
      • origname: ResidualStep2
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/ResidualStep2
    ScienceData_Sigma[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: parameter for the ozone profile at top of atmosphere, ozone_profile = p^(1/sigma)
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: Sigma
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/Sigma
    ScienceData_SigmaE[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: estimated measurement error in fraction radiance/flux
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 3.402823061e+38
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: SigmaE
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/SigmaE
    ScienceData_SigmaQ[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: priori ozone profile error in fraction
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 3.402823061e+38
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: SigmaQ
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/SigmaQ
    ScienceData_StepOneO3[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Step 1 Ozone Solution
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 50.00000000, 700.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: StepOneO3
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/StepOneO3
    ScienceData_StepTwoO3[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Step 2 Ozone Solution
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 50.00000000, 700.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: StepTwoO3
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/StepTwoO3
    ScienceData_TotalO3[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Total Column Ozone derived from a TOMS-like wavelength-pair alogorithm
      • units: DU
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 50.00000000, 700.0000000
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: TotalO3
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/TotalO3
    ScienceData_TotalO3APrioriProfile[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimUmkehr11Level= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Total Ozone a priori Profile Umkehr Layers 0 to 9 and Layers 10 Plus
      • units: DU
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: 0.000000000, 125.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimUmkehr11Level
      • origname: TotalO3APrioriProfile
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/TotalO3APrioriProfile
    ScienceData_TotalO3AlgorithmFlag[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • units:
      • long_name: Total Ozone Algorithm Flag
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: 0, 100
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: TotalO3AlgorithmFlag
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/TotalO3AlgorithmFlag
    ScienceData_TotalO3ErrorFlag[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Error Flag
      • units:
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: 0, 100
      • _FillValue: -2147483647
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: TotalO3ErrorFlag
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/TotalO3ErrorFlag
    ScienceData_UVAerosolIndex[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: UV Aerosol Index
      • coverage_content_type: physicalMeasurement
      • valid_range: -30.00000000, 30.00000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • units: 1
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: UVAerosolIndex
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/UVAerosolIndex
    ScienceData_dN_dOmega[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength= 0 ..7] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: dN/dOmega for Channels 5 to 12
      • units: DU-1
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
      • origname: dN_dOmega
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/dN_dOmega
    ScienceData_dN_dR[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength= 0 ..7] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: reflectivity sensitivity ratio dN/dR for Channels 5 to 12
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: -200.0000000, 0.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
      • origname: dN_dR
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/dN_dR
    ScienceData_dN_dR380[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • units: 1
      • long_name: Reflectivity Sensitivity Ratio dN/dR at 380 nm Monochromator channel
      • coverage_content_type: referenceInformation
      • valid_range: -200.0000000, 0.000000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack
      • origname: dN_dR380
      • fullnamepath: /ScienceData/dN_dR380
    TrendingData_NValueResidualsFinal[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Final N-Value Residuals
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • origname: NValueResidualsFinal
      • fullnamepath: /TrendingData/NValueResidualsFinal
    TrendingData_NValueResidualsInitial[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] [ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Initial N-Value Residuals
      • units: 1
      • coverage_content_type: qualityInformation
      • valid_range: -100.0000000, 100.0000000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • DIMENSION_LABELS: DimAlongTrack, DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • origname: NValueResidualsInitial
      • fullnamepath: /TrendingData/NValueResidualsInitial
    DimAlongTrack[ DimAlongTrack= 0 ..79] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Along-track dimension
      • origname: DimAlongTrack
      • fullnamepath: /DimAlongTrack
    DimMixingRatioPressureLevel[ DimMixingRatioPressureLevel= 0 ..14] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Pressure Levels for Mixing Ratio Profile
      • units: hPa
      • coverage_content_type: coordinate
      • valid_range: 0.5000000000, 50.00000000
      • origname: DimMixingRatioPressureLevel
      • fullnamepath: /DimMixingRatioPressureLevel
    DimNvalueResidueWavelength[ DimNvalueResidueWavelength= 0 ..9] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Wavelengths for Reporting Residues
      • units: nm
      • valid_range: 292.0000000, 318.0000000
      • origname: DimNvalueResidueWavelength
      • fullnamepath: /DimNvalueResidueWavelength
    DimNvalueWavelength[ DimNvalueWavelength= 0 ..11] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Wavelengths for Reporting NValues
      • units: nm
      • valid_range: 250.0000000, 340.0000000
      • origname: DimNvalueWavelength
      • fullnamepath: /DimNvalueWavelength
    DimPressureLevel[ DimPressureLevel= 0 ..20] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Pressures at Bottoms of Solution Pressure Levels
      • units: hPa
      • coverage_content_type: coordinate
      • valid_range: 0.1013249978, 1013.250000
      • origname: DimPressureLevel
      • fullnamepath: /DimPressureLevel
    DimPressureLevel20[ DimPressureLevel20= 0 ..19] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Pressures at 20 Layer Centers
      • units: hPa
      • coverage_content_type: coordinate
      • valid_range: 0.1013249978, 1013.250000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • origname: DimPressureLevel20
      • fullnamepath: /DimPressureLevel20
    DimPressureLevel80[ DimPressureLevel80= 0 ..79] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Pressures at 80 Layer Centers
      • coverage_content_type: coordinate
      • valid_range: 0.1013249978, 1013.250000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • units: hPa
      • origname: DimPressureLevel80
      • fullnamepath: /DimPressureLevel80
    DimPressureLevel81[ DimPressureLevel81= 0 ..80] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Pressures at Layer Boundaries
      • valid_range: 0.1013249978, 1013.250000
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • units: hPa
      • coverage_content_type: coordinate
      • origname: DimPressureLevel81
      • fullnamepath: /DimPressureLevel81
    DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength[ DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength= 0 ..7] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Wavelengths for Surface Sensitive Channels
      • units: nm
      • valid_range: 292.0000000, 340.0000000
      • origname: DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
      • fullnamepath: /DimSurfaceSensitiveWavelength
    DimUmkehr11Level[ DimUmkehr11Level= 0 ..10] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Umkehr layer base pressures for layers 0 - 10
      • units: atm
      • origname: DimUmkehr11Level
      • fullnamepath: /DimUmkehr11Level
    DimUmkehr13Level[ DimUmkehr13Level= 0 ..12] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Umkehr layer base pressures for layers 12 - 0
      • units: atm
      • origname: DimUmkehr13Level
      • fullnamepath: /DimUmkehr13Level
    DimWavelength[ DimWavelength= 0 ..12] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Wavelengths Used for Retrievals
      • units: nm
      • valid_range: 250.0000000, 380.0000000
      • origname: DimWavelength
      • fullnamepath: /DimWavelength

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